We will not hide them from their children,
but tell to the coming generation
the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might,
and the wonders that he has done.
Psalm 78:4
At Tucker Presbyterian Church, we strive to share the glorious deeds of God with our children and to point them to Christ so that they learn to love, trust, and obey Him.

Our priorities
When ministering to children and families we value and prioritize these ideas:
We believe that parents/caregivers should be primarily responsible for discipling their children in spiritual matters; therefore, our church will partner with them and assist them in this important calling. Deuteronomy 6:4-7
All families are unique and we do not assume that a child is being raised by believing parents nor that a covenant child has put their faith in Jesus; therefore, we emphasize the gospel in all of our teaching. Matthew 18:14
All teaching will be God-focused and not man or child-focused; therefore, our teaching should point children to God so that they will respond and love him according to his character and promises. Psalm 78:4
We believe biblical literacy is an important aspect of the Christian life. We aim for our children to love and rely on God’s Word. Psalm 119:9,14-16
Children are a valued part of Tucker Presbyterian Church and God’s covenant family; therefore, you will see them as active participants in our worship and other events. 1 Timothy 4:1

Sunday mornings
We welcome children of all ages in our Sunday School classes and Worship Service.
9:15am - 10:00am Sunday School
Nursery: infant through 3~4 years old
Children's Sunday School: ~4 years old through 3rd grade
Middle School Sunday School: 4th through 8th grade
High School Sunday School: 9th through 12th grade
SS offered during the school year
Nursery: infant through 3~4 years old
Children's Sunday School: ~4 years old through 3rd grade
Middle School Sunday School: 4th through 8th grade
High School Sunday School: 9th through 12th grade
SS offered during the school year
10:30am ~ 11:45am Worship Service
Nursery: infant through 4 years old
Worship: all ages welcome
Activity bags and coloring sheets available during the service
Nursery: infant through 4 years old
Worship: all ages welcome
Activity bags and coloring sheets available during the service