Honoring the Lord by being prepared to defend our hope with
gentleness, respect, and a good conscience.
1 PETER 3:15-16
Our youth ministry is shaped by these desires for our youth:
Faith and the Gospel
Our utmost desire for our youth as they approach adulthood is that they would know and embrace the Gospel as demonstrated by growing in faith, understanding, and holiness.
Embrace the Church
We pray that they would have a deep love for God and His Church, keeping His Word in their hearts and equipping their memories with Scripture.
Biblical World View
We hope for them to cultivate a Biblical world and life view that prepares them for college, work, and missions so that they can handle opposition to their faith and withstand the trials and temptations of life.
Hearts of Service
We want our youth to have hearts for service and missions so that they may be salt and light in the world sharing their faith and ministering in various ways that demonstrate their faith and hope in the Gospel.

Our Youth ministry Philosophy
Our church's mission is to be living and proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ in our worship, prayer, in the Word, and in our deeds. We endeavor to work that out in our youth ministry by emphasizing those aspects in the discipleship of our youth. As it relates to parents and fellowship in the church, we are committed to the following principles:
The Scriptures instruct a vital difference between ministry to adults and ministry to youth: believing parents are the main means of discipling their children and accordingly are responsible to supervise the broader church’s ministry to them. Therefore, we encourage the spiritual leaders of households to be the main educators and disciplers of their children. Our youth ministry’s goal is to supplement that process and not replace it. As a result, Tucker Pres does not believe that a youth ministry should pull children out and away from their families for the purpose of creating an independent community. Instead, we welcome parental involvement in the youth ministry as it seeks to assist parents in their role of discipling their children.
We hope to foster cross-generational fellowship throughout our church family. That includes families being in fellowship with other families but also with youth being in fellowship with those of all ages in the church from the youngest of children to the oldest of our saints. These relationships are to be ones of giving and receiving to one another as we believe that other generations in the church having something to give to the youth and that the youth have something to give to these other generations.
We also recognize that peer fellowship for teenagers has unique challenges because the youth culture in our country is often destructive and undermines the Christian faith. However, peer fellowship in the context of discipleship or where youth support and challenge one another can be a valuable tool for navigating the complexities of adolescent and youth culture and in preparing them for life-long fellowships. While we recognize the risks and the attacks against the youth from the youth culture, we trust the Lord’s sovereignty in all things including sanctifying and preserving the youth who are his. Thus, we want to proactively equip and encourage youth to faithfully pursue enduring relationships with their peers, so that they can be a light to their fellow believing and non-believing friends.
We also recognize that peer fellowship for teenagers has unique challenges because the youth culture in our country is often destructive and undermines the Christian faith. However, peer fellowship in the context of discipleship or where youth support and challenge one another can be a valuable tool for navigating the complexities of adolescent and youth culture and in preparing them for life-long fellowships. While we recognize the risks and the attacks against the youth from the youth culture, we trust the Lord’s sovereignty in all things including sanctifying and preserving the youth who are his. Thus, we want to proactively equip and encourage youth to faithfully pursue enduring relationships with their peers, so that they can be a light to their fellow believing and non-believing friends.